SYMPOSIUM SCHEDULE Programs and Lectures at the Library of the General Society of Mechanics
and Tradesmen, 20 West 44th Street, New York City
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2110:00 Doors open, Metropolitan Museum of Art.10:30 Curator-Led Tour Begins. Meet beforehand in the Spanish Courtyard (or Blumenthal Patio) which is Gallery 534. Latecomers will not be able to join the tour. Advance Extra Registration Was Required (tour is full).12:30 Museum Tour Ends.2:00 Special Program, "Horological Illustration & John Redfern Tribute" Advance Extra Registration Required Welcome by Dr. James Nye, Chair, Antiquarian Horological Society. Sponsored by the USA Section of the AHS.2:20 Historical Overview of Horological Illustration by Bob Frishman.2:40. Overview of the Achievements of John Redfern, and Viewing of His Horological Animations, by Martin Conradi 3:00 Panel Discussion and Audience Participation: Dr. James Nye - Moderator, Will Andrewes, Jonathan Betts, and Martin Conradi.4:00 Special Program Ends, followed by brief election of officers of the USA Section of the AHS.5:00 Symposium Commences. Welcome by Bob Frishman, Chair. Introduction of James Arthur Lecture and Its History.5:15 James Arthur Lecture - Daryn Schnipper. These lectures were established by James Arthur's generous bequest nearly a century ago. The first was delivered in 1932; this is the fifty-ninth. See details on the Arthur page. 6:00 End of Day's Program (room remains open for informal gatherings) 6:00. HSNY Dedication of Jost Bürgi Library, Fifth Floor. Presentation by Swiss guests Jost Schmid and Peter Fux. Private event by invitation only7:30 Dinner at Kellari Taverna, 19 West 44th St. Cash Bar. Advance Extra Registration
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 229:00 Symposium Reconvenes - Day of Honoring Great Collectors.9:15 Johannes Graf - Oskar Spiegelhalder.10:00 Oliver Cooke - Mr. Courtenay Adrian Ilbert.10:45 Brief Break.11:00 Jonathan Betts - 5th Lord Harris.11:45 Lunch. On your own, many nearby options.1:00 Robert C. Cheney - J. Cheney Wells.1:45 Will Andrewes - Seth Atwood and Kelly Edey.2:30 Brief Break. 2:45 Tom McIntyre - Paul Chamberlain3:30 Russ Oechsle - Chris Brown.4:15 John Reardon - Patek Philippe Collectors.5:00 Program Ends. 6:00. Reception at Harvard Club, directly across the street at 35 West 44th St. -- Passed Hors D'Oeuvres, Full Open Bar7:00 Seated Dinner Banquet at the Harvard Club (photo below). After-dinner speech by Marsha Malinowski.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2310:00 - 5:00 All-Day Field Trip to Morris Museum, Morristown, New Jersey. Advance Extra Registration Required
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2110:00 Doors open, Metropolitan Museum of Art.10:30 Curator-Led Tour Begins. Meet beforehand in the Spanish Courtyard (or Blumenthal Patio) which is Gallery 534. Latecomers will not be able to join the tour. Advance Extra Registration Was Required (tour is full).12:30 Museum Tour Ends.2:00 Special Program, "Horological Illustration & John Redfern Tribute" Advance Extra Registration Required Welcome by Dr. James Nye, Chair, Antiquarian Horological Society. Sponsored by the USA Section of the AHS.2:20 Historical Overview of Horological Illustration by Bob Frishman.2:40. Overview of the Achievements of John Redfern, and Viewing of His Horological Animations, by Martin Conradi 3:00 Panel Discussion and Audience Participation: Dr. James Nye - Moderator, Will Andrewes, Jonathan Betts, and Martin Conradi.4:00 Special Program Ends, followed by brief election of officers of the USA Section of the AHS.5:00 Symposium Commences. Welcome by Bob Frishman, Chair. Introduction of James Arthur Lecture and Its History.5:15 James Arthur Lecture - Daryn Schnipper. These lectures were established by James Arthur's generous bequest nearly a century ago. The first was delivered in 1932; this is the fifty-ninth. See details on the Arthur page. 6:00 End of Day's Program (room remains open for informal gatherings) 6:00. HSNY Dedication of Jost Bürgi Library, Fifth Floor. Presentation by Swiss guests Jost Schmid and Peter Fux. Private event by invitation only7:30 Dinner at Kellari Taverna, 19 West 44th St. Cash Bar. Advance Extra Registration
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 229:00 Symposium Reconvenes - Day of Honoring Great Collectors.9:15 Johannes Graf - Oskar Spiegelhalder.10:00 Oliver Cooke - Mr. Courtenay Adrian Ilbert.10:45 Brief Break.11:00 Jonathan Betts - 5th Lord Harris.11:45 Lunch. On your own, many nearby options.1:00 Robert C. Cheney - J. Cheney Wells.1:45 Will Andrewes - Seth Atwood and Kelly Edey.2:30 Brief Break. 2:45 Tom McIntyre - Paul Chamberlain3:30 Russ Oechsle - Chris Brown.4:15 John Reardon - Patek Philippe Collectors.5:00 Program Ends. 6:00. Reception at Harvard Club, directly across the street at 35 West 44th St. -- Passed Hors D'Oeuvres, Full Open Bar7:00 Seated Dinner Banquet at the Harvard Club (photo below). After-dinner speech by Marsha Malinowski.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2310:00 - 5:00 All-Day Field Trip to Morris Museum, Morristown, New Jersey. Advance Extra Registration Required